Politics is the collection of political activities which are concerned with making choices in associations, groups or other political entities between people, for the purpose of distributing status or wealth, or both. The major branch of political science that studies government and politics is known as political science. Politics has its origin in ancient Greece, where the idea of polity was born. Plato is considered to be the father of modern politics. He said that a polity is ruled by a majority of citizens and a constitution is created to govern their government.
The main aim of politics is for the political theory to be practiced by the citizens of a country. It is also meant to create laws which will affect the citizens in a good way. Politics, according to them, is a constant struggle between the powerful and the weak ones to acquire their interests.
Politics has been studied by numerous philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, Machiavelli and Hobbes. Later on these ideas were put into practice by many great politicians like Sir Henry VI, Sir Walter Ralstonstall, Sir Thomas Cromwell and others. Politics also has another name which is civic science and it studies public opinion. A major part of political science is the analysis of institutions or political systems. Some of the examples of such systems are the Indian social system, English constitutional system and the European system. The analysis of institutions includes studying the role of the government, the nature and functioning of the political parties and other institutions.
Politics study today has been made much easier thanks to the internet. All the research work is now available online and the scholars can now work from home. Politics in India has seen a major change in the past few decades. There have been many changes in the form of a change of government and change in political parties. This has also led to changes in the attitude of the public towards politics. Some of the latest developments in the field of politics include following few tips for being more vigilant citizens.
First of all one must remember that politics is not about you but about the country and it involves the citizens. In the beginning, when the politicians used to rule the people they used to focus only on themselves. But now-a-days, people living in the polity enjoy the process of politics as it brings about a fair play among the citizens. They learn how to take part actively in the politics. Politics helps them become more aware of their responsibilities towards the society.
Secondly, you should read as much as you can on politics. Reading more about the politics makes you a more aware about the various aspects of the politics. It will also make you a better student of politics as you will understand more clearly the interest of the common man. For this purpose you should opt for a political science or history of politics degree. Politics degree with qualification like Political Science, History of International Relations and International Business will be advantageous for you.
Thirdly, you should be very particular about the fact that politics is not a subject that can be studied easily. Studying politics requires a lot of hard work. You have to pay a lot of attention to the minute details of politics before you can understand the political concepts. If you want to learn more about politics then you can join some reputed institute of higher learning for your further studies related to politics.
You should also opt for a reputed institute of higher learning for obtaining further political education. A class social science chapter 1 ncert is conducted successfully along with class political science degree program. The first two classes of study involve basic political theory while the last class is mainly interested in working methods of politics. In the former class political science students are given an opportunity to work on research. This class is also called as the practicum. The last course is designed for preparing students for the nationally recognized political science exams conducted by the National Association of School examiners (NASEA) and the Council on Higher Education (CHEA).